First and foremost, we discourage the use of a microwave to heat your water in the silver making process because of the effects of microwaves on water. If you choose to heat your water prior to running the generator, please use either a glass or a stainless steel pan with a ceramic coating. It is believed that the microwaves alter the structure of the water making this a less stable water to suspend silver particles.
Any one who uses a microwave oven to heat water should be aware of the following information: "About five days ago, my 26 year-old son decided to have a cup of instant coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the microwave to heat it up (something that he had done numerous times before). I am not sure how long he set the timer for but he told me he wanted to bring the water to a boil. When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the cup from the oven. As he looked into the cup he noted that the water was not boiling, but instantly the water in the cup "blew up" into his face. The cup remained intact until he threw it out of his hand, but all the water had blown out into his face due to the buildup of energy. His whole face is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns to his face which may leave scarring. He may also have lost partial sight in his left eye.
While at the hospital, the doctor who was attending to him stated that this a fairly common occurrence and water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven. If water is heated in this manner, something should be placed in the cup to diffuse the energy such as a wooden stir stick, tea bag,etc. It is,however, a much safer choice to boil the water in a tea kettle. Please pass this information on to friends and family.
Here is what our science teacher has to say on the matter: Thanks for the microwave warning. I have seen this happen before. It is caused by a phenomenon known as super heating. What happens is that the water heats faster than the vapor bubbles can form. If the cup is very new, then it is unlikely to have small surface scratches inside it that provide a place for the bubbles to form. As the bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat that has built up, the liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues to heat up well past its boiling point. What then usually happens is that the liquid is bumped or jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the bubbles to rapidly form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid formation of bubbles is also why carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken. Please pass this on to everyone you know, it could save a lot of pain and suffering.
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